There be no such thing as a BIM Project!
Arrr! After yesterday’s grand presentation, I was asked a question that would make any sea dog think twice: “What be the best size fer a BIM Pilot Project?”
Here’s me answer, ye curious mateys:
The size o’ the project don’t matter one bit! It’s all about how ye chart the course and define yer Pilot.
I don’t recommend settin’ sail on one monstrous project fer several years, callin' it the grand BIM Project. That be a surefire way to bleed yer precious doubloons dry, matey. Too many have sunk their ships that way, thinking the bigger the booty, the bigger the payoff. That may sound sweet, but I ask ye – will yer whole crew truly benefit?
Most captains make the mistake o’ pickin’ a big, shiny project fer their first pilot, thinkin’ the grand sum will pay fer itself. Aye, the riches might come, but will the whole fleet grow stronger from it? I think not!
The truth be, ye won’t be learnin’ what truly matters fer yer crew or yer ship. The real treasure lies in learnin’ fast and spreadin’ that knowledge across yer whole organization so every vessel can deliver faster, smarter, and more efficient!
Alas, many a captain sail into BIM like it be a golden island, only to find their hull sinkin’ faster than a lead anchor. But I tell ye, there be a better way!
Instead o’ chasin’ the big prize, pick a topic that matters to ye. Perhaps ye need to count up the quantities fer a paint tender. It don’t have to be grand – even a small step will do! Set yer sails on that small voyage, and in just a few months, ye’ll find the treasure o’ knowledge. Then, do it again, but quicker! After 6 months, ye’ll have charted a course to scale yer learnings across all yer projects. Repeat the process, sail on parallel voyages, and ye’ll see growth and success swell like the high tide! That, my mates, be the true power o’ small, continuous steps.
Now ye might ask, “But how can I start if I don’t have any BIM on board?” Arrr, I tell ye, I don’t believe ye don’t have any BIM capabilities already! With modern software, it’s near impossible to sail without a bit o’ BIM in yer ship. Build upon what ye already have, or do what’s needed fer the pilot the BIM way. Aye, it may feel less productive at first, but as ye learn, yer ship will run smoother than a well-oiled cannon.
So, remember, me hearty – small and steady beats flashy and ineffective every time. Slow and smart wins the race, and that’s how ye’ll rise to the top of the BIM seas!
Here’s me answer, ye curious mateys:
The size o’ the project don’t matter one bit! It’s all about how ye chart the course and define yer Pilot.
I don’t recommend settin’ sail on one monstrous project fer several years, callin' it the grand BIM Project. That be a surefire way to bleed yer precious doubloons dry, matey. Too many have sunk their ships that way, thinking the bigger the booty, the bigger the payoff. That may sound sweet, but I ask ye – will yer whole crew truly benefit?
Most captains make the mistake o’ pickin’ a big, shiny project fer their first pilot, thinkin’ the grand sum will pay fer itself. Aye, the riches might come, but will the whole fleet grow stronger from it? I think not!
The truth be, ye won’t be learnin’ what truly matters fer yer crew or yer ship. The real treasure lies in learnin’ fast and spreadin’ that knowledge across yer whole organization so every vessel can deliver faster, smarter, and more efficient!
Alas, many a captain sail into BIM like it be a golden island, only to find their hull sinkin’ faster than a lead anchor. But I tell ye, there be a better way!
Instead o’ chasin’ the big prize, pick a topic that matters to ye. Perhaps ye need to count up the quantities fer a paint tender. It don’t have to be grand – even a small step will do! Set yer sails on that small voyage, and in just a few months, ye’ll find the treasure o’ knowledge. Then, do it again, but quicker! After 6 months, ye’ll have charted a course to scale yer learnings across all yer projects. Repeat the process, sail on parallel voyages, and ye’ll see growth and success swell like the high tide! That, my mates, be the true power o’ small, continuous steps.
Now ye might ask, “But how can I start if I don’t have any BIM on board?” Arrr, I tell ye, I don’t believe ye don’t have any BIM capabilities already! With modern software, it’s near impossible to sail without a bit o’ BIM in yer ship. Build upon what ye already have, or do what’s needed fer the pilot the BIM way. Aye, it may feel less productive at first, but as ye learn, yer ship will run smoother than a well-oiled cannon.
So, remember, me hearty – small and steady beats flashy and ineffective every time. Slow and smart wins the race, and that’s how ye’ll rise to the top of the BIM seas!